Entries in deck the halls (6)


Deck the Halls summer special! "Scare B-n-B!"



Surprise! The Sassquach Radio gang presents a Deck the Halls Summer Special, "Scare B-n-B"!

Join Jackie, Emma, and Stu at mysterious cabin rental with a gruesome secret. OoooOOOOooOOOOHhhhh! 

Enjoy on your favorite podcast app, or search "Deck the Halls with Matrimony" on Apple podcasts to find us in their new audio fiction category!


Deck the Halls Season 3! All episodes available now!

It's that time of year again! Deck the Halls season 3, "The Holiday Postcards" starts rolling out today! A new episode every Monday in December!

 We tried out something a little different this year. In the style of an anthology, each episode focuses on a different character (or set of characters).

We've got five great episodes this season, so make sure to add "Deck the Halls (with Matrimony!)" to your feed in your favorite podcast app.


 Episode 1, "The Runaway Bride", directed by Paula Deming! (aka The Jackie Episode!)


Episode 2: "The Dirigible Captain" , directed by AP Quach. (aka the Stu episode!)

Episode 3: "A Royal Pain", directed by AP Quach. (aka the Emma and Trip episode!)


Episode 4: "The Gift Table", directed by AP Quach. (The French Waiters!)


Episode 5: "Cake Scramble!", directed by AP Quach (Jackie, Emma, and Stu)

Also! You can listen to Deck the Halls (with Matrimony!) on Spotify!


If you've enjoyed the season, consider supporting Sassquach Radio on Patreon! Get access to bonus content (like the very very sad yet sweet email draft Katie wrote to Stu after a 24 hour shift) and behind-the-scenes outtakes (like Jesse Abbott Chen and Keiko Agena doing a soap opera insert in their best Keanu Reeves accents)! https://www.patreon.com/sassquachradio


Also, hey ho! We've got some good ol' merch set up at Tee Public! Swing on over and have a look-see!


Deck the Halls 2! Entire season now available!


Foley Party with Mike and Kevin!


It's fun to watch brilliant people work.


Deck the Halls 2: Thanksgiving episode out today



Happy Thanksgiving, folks! Deck the Halls (with Matrimony!) is back for round two! Four episodes coming to you before Christmas. Episode 1 is out today! Share, review, and get down with this new holiday adventure!



It's gonna get weird.

Subscribe and review on Apple Podcasts!