Entries in movies (18)


It's been ages since I saw a decent romantic comedy in the theaters.


I met a police sergeant yesterday who mentioned that he met his wife in the academy. 

C'mon, that's gold. You'll laugh, you'll cry...you'll get to see young recruits fight through an obstacle course after getting pepper sprayed right in the eyes. Then, I dunno, they can foil a heist on the night of the big policemen's ball.

Get the lead out, Hollywood.


Holy close-up shots, Batman! 


I enjoyed Les Mis, but holy snap...every song is shot mostly with SUPER DUPER CLOSE UPS SO IT'S LIKE THEY'RE SINGING RIGHT IN YOUR FACE CAN YOU FEEL THE FEELINGS?

I love you, Wolverine. Let's sing the Javert confrontation duet together.


Tarantino's new role as "historian".


Two re-imagined history flicks in a row...I imagine that Tarantino likes to listen to Stuff You Missed In History Class while drinking.

Don't get me wrong, I love Tarantino movies...but I do wonder if he ever has a moment's pause when he drafts these things. 

Probably not.


Disney and Lucas sittin' in a tree...


This is how the prologue to "The Walking Dead" started, right?


This shindig will be the shindiggiest.